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Holder wants gun registration?

So says the Law Enforcement Alliance of America:

Holder wants a national, permanent gun registration system administered by law enforcement. A registration of honest citizens that have cleared the federal background check for gun purchases with those records permanently retained by and shared among law enforcement.

Holder wants new federal authority to prohibit any person on the federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them.

So, he doesn’t want due process protections for people who want to own guns. Even though we give those protections to people who, say, fly planes into buildings.

Update: In comments, David he’s trying to corroborate the story with no luck. Could be bogus since the official transcript contains none of the quotes attributed to Holder.

Another update: Confirmed. See David.

15 Responses to “Holder wants gun registration?”

  1. Number9 Says:

    Holder makes one miss Janet Reno. Is he the most incompetent Attorney General in history?

  2. JJR Says:

    Nevermind that Canada is in the process of ditching theirs…

  3. shippedout Says:

    If you wish to waste BILLIONS, yes billions of dollars just follow our experience up here in Canada. All it will accomplish is another nail in the coffin that was your freedom from your present government.

    Do not allow Holder anywhere near this false safety claim put forth by the gun grabbers.

    Believe me, you will be very sorry if Obama’s administration is allowed to even start this process. Because of the overt nature of Obama to control everything that can/will block his agenda.

  4. mariner Says:

    Or, even more notably, for KSM.

  5. Mikee Says:

    This will start a new round of off-paper firearm purchases at those gun shows. Which will lead to calls to close that pesky gun show “loophole.” Which will lead to more private sales “on the streets” instead of in gun shows. Which will lead to calls for NICS checks on all private firearm purchases, which will not stop criminals from stealing, buying, or selling guns off the books, which will lead to calls for licensing all firearm owners, which will do nothing, which will lead to calls for confiscations of all firearms, which will do nothing, but which will lead to more criminals with guns, as everyone owning a gun will be a criminal at that point. When all roads lead to Rome, it is to Rome one must go. Or something like that, unless one turns one’s back on Rome and heads elsewhere.

    Why not just try Hasan for his crime, in military court, and execute him for murder, and leave the rest of us alone? Oh, wait, that doesn’t end in making all guns illegal and all gun owners criminals. Never mind.

  6. B Smith Says:

    “Is he the most incompetent Attorney General in history?”

    Good Lord, I fervently hope so. He’d have to be pretty incompetent to fail at getting guns registered (the Holy Grail of liberal wet-dreams) in this perfect Democratic storm. I hope like hell he fails.

  7. RML Says:

    What is the source on this? DOJ? No. White House? No. What ever happened to “trust, but verify?”

  8. Tom Says:

    Soooo, the mantra can finally change…from “gun owners are just paranoid wacko racists and this ad-mao-istration has no plans for gun control” to “told ya so”

    Looking at the bright side, teddy “the drunkkk” zombie won’t be able to buy a gun when he returns from the grave to vote in 2010.

    Also, even if the no fly list does get traction we just find some muslim to start screaming RACIST RACIST and that goes away quickly.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    RML, like the link says, testimony before congress.

  10. Eagle 1 Says:

    To the Canadian commenters here:

    Has anyone ever tried to figure out what the rate of non-compliance was/ is?

    Eagle 1

  11. bombloader Says:

    Just a question, post-Heller do you think this thing would fly with SCOTUS? I mean, unless they’re willing to go to legal contortions, it would seem to be an open and shut case of deprivation of fundamental rights without due process.

  12. Tom Says:

    @ bombloader Interesting, but Heller let the registration scheme stand and as of right now it only applies to residents in the federal zone.

    Yeah I could see them backing it.

  13. David Codrea Says:

    I was going to post on this but could not corroborate it–I sent the following email to LEAA, but it bounced back as undeliverable. If anyone knows the answer, please advise:
    I cannot find the words your PR attributes to Eric Holder’s Nov. 18 Senate Judiciary Committee testimony in the DoJ transcript. Specifically, I can find no corroboration for this:

    “Attorney General Holder revealed his support for a national gun owner registration scheme and authorizing the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person’s name to the terror watch list.”

    Here is the transcript:

    Please advise in re the source for your PR assertion.

    Thank you,

  14. shippedout Says:

    Re: post #10 Eagle 1
    From what I have been able to find out from the Canadian shooting community and from the different police officers (RCMP & LEO”S) I severed with in the Reserve Army.

    The general figure being banged about is 40 to 60 % of the rural population and about 35 to 45% of the urban population have not complied with the registration laws. The figures have remained about the same right from the inception of the registry.

    One common deception a lot of people employed was to register a “Gimme Gun” to have the paper work to buy ammo, then hide/conceal the firearms they owned before the registry came into force.

    Why the “Gimme Gun”. The gun laws where written in such a way once a firearm is register the police did not need a warrant to enter a home and can seize any gun with almost no “reasonable cause” if they “feel” a crime maybe/has been committed with said gun. Police also have the right after giving 24hrs notice to inspect for “safe storage” of all registered firearms and ammunition.
    In other words. The cops have been given an open season fishing license.

    O before I forget. Of course the bad guys have a great record of 100% compliance with the laws………right.

    If you need proof to what is coming down the tracks like a runaway freight train if Holder and Obama get there way, look no further than our experience then extrapolate to what has happened in Britain.

  15. David Codrea Says:

    Just got off the phone with Ted Deeds, LEAA COO/National Spokesperson. The remarks were part of the Q&A, not from the prepared statement. He told me where to look on C-SPAN to see for myself, but I don’t have a url–it’s the morning session for the 18th, starting at approx. 1 hr 11 min into the session. He will be emailing me a transcript on Monday and I’ll post further.

    I am told LEAA was the only LEO group to go on record opposing Holder for his anti-gun record from the very beginning.

    Sorry if this caused any confusion–I did not want to go public on this and get challenged and find myself unable to corroborate, so this clears everything up. Will post more when I know more.


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