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Then why is it a planet and not a star?

Al Gore:

the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees

And this is the leader of a religion that wants me to have faith in their prophecies.

15 Responses to “Then why is it a planet and not a star?”

  1. Rabbit Says:

    That must be why my feet sweat.


  2. BobG Says:

    “the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees”

    Hey! Maybe that’s the cause of that global warming we keep hearing about…

  3. Chris Byrne Says:

    The estimated temperature at the core of THE SUN, is about 15 million degrees centigrade, or 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

    At the core of the EARTH, its more like about 3700 degrees centigrade/7000 Fahrenheit.

    Yaknow… only a little over 3 orders of magnitude difference…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Is it also a place where hydrogen is built into helium?

  5. pdb Says:

    Shut UP! The science is SETTLED! SETTLED!

  6. TheOtherLarry Says:

    How dare you question Mr. Gore!

    He invented the internet, global warming and cap-n-trade – how could he ever be wrong?

    I think the thought police are onto you…

  7. Lyle Says:

    “And this is the leader of a religion…”
    Correction; cult.

    “…only a little over 3 orders of magnitude difference”
    Sure, but as I always say; what’s a few orders of magnitude between friends?

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Hey he got away with the man-caused global warming scam and has been remarkably rewarded for that fraud, why not try a new one?

    Wait for his next suggestion, perhaps cooling carbon dioxide to a liquid and injecting it into the core of the earth, then he could sell liquid carbon dioxide credits. Just think of the money he would make from Coca-Cola alone? Not to mention all the aspirating carbon based life forms on earth needing to pay for the right to breathe. Hell, yeah, he’s got another winner here. Can’t wait to see all the consensus on this from the already proven superstitious (global warming nuts).

  9. chris Says:

    This the same wanker that Newsweek dubbed, on its cover last week, “The Thinking Man’s Thinking Man.”

    At least Newsweek redeemed itself this week with a hot pic of Sarah on the cover.

    Let me guess which one sold the most issues.

  10. Chas Says:

    Gore is a politician not a scientist.

  11. liberal gun lover Says:

    Please this man is not our representativ really I want any thing to do with him at this point I think he has proven him self to be quite dimwitted. Why won’t he just go away?

  12. JKB Says:

    I think John Derbyshire over at NRO accidently came up with why Gore would say this


    f the temperature anywhere inside the earth was “several million degrees,” we’d be a star

    Like global warming which to Gore must be true since he believes it, the earth’s core temperature must be millions of degrees since only a star could hold him.

  13. SPQR Says:

    But Chas, he has decided to hold himself out as an expert in the science itself. Al Gore has also chosen to attack those who dissent from the AGW conclusions on the basis of his supposed expertise.

    We are holding him to his own standards.

  14. Number9 Says:

    Dolts. You have to use Man-Bear-Pig degrees. Think of dog years.

    It’s really quite easy. 3,700 degrees American equals about roughly 15 ka-ba-gillion-million Man-Bear-Pig degrees.

    All y’all are so stupid. This is science. I can see you did not attend public schools. I leanrt this in the fourth grad.

  15. Lyle Says:

    “Listen to me. I won a prize. I’m serial…”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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