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The tent gets smaller

A County GOP group is ousting a member because he supports Ron Paul?

4 Responses to “The tent gets smaller”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    They’re ousting him because he’s been a jerk to GOP Candidates. He happens to support Ron Paul.

  2. Tomcatshanger Says:

    Wait, the press isn’t the public?

  3. Alchemyst Says:

    Don’t know the man. Don’t know the situation. I do know that as soon as somebody gets involved in politics I certainly don’t want them as my neighbor. Another thing I don’t know is the reason that politicians are scum suckers. Are they that way before becoming politicians and were just naturally attracted or did they become that way after becoming a politician?

  4. chris Says:

    Someone needs to be a jerk to most GOP candidates.

    This guy refused to shake Zach Wamp’s hand because he voted for TARP.

    Good for him.

    I will think about Wamp, Corker and Alexander when Congress and Obama pass huge new taxes into effect in the near future.

    172 or 173 Congressmen and 25 Senators voted against TARP, so Wamp’s joining their ranks would not have required any great political courage on his part.

    What’s going on with the Repulican Party right now is happening entirely outside of the RNC.

    Voters who have formerly identified themselves as Republicans are utterly disgusted with the GOP in its present state, which is a mere ghost of where it stood ideologically in 1980 and 1994.

    The RNC leadership (including prominent GOP members in the House and Senate) are watching as the true energy on the right side of the isle passes them by while they sit helplessly by.

    The GOP will have to choose between following this energy or being content to becoming an even weaker minority party than it already is.

    Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell, Michael Steele, Charles Grassley, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and John Boehner are all dinosaurs.

    They can’t be fixed and they will be replaced with either Democrats or fiscally conservative candidates.

    They represent the party’s past – not its future.

    Conservatives will win primaries in important Senate match-ups next year, while lifelong GOP functionaries get unceremoniously dumped by the voters.

    We care about values – not labels.

    The GOP which has ruled for the last decade has systematically bartered away all of the core values and principles, which previously defined the GOP, in the name of “bipartisanship”.

    I want partisanship when one party is trying to conclude its socialization of our economy and dissolution of our Constitution.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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