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red light cameras

In elections, they get voted down 100% of the time. And:

One guy who lives outside of Phoenix, Dave Vontesmar, hated the cameras so much he put on a monkey mask to drive to work every day, to keep the front-facing cameras from identifying him. Racked up 37 tickets that could amount to $6,500 in fines. Says the state can’t prove it’s him, which it has to do in his state


7 Responses to “red light cameras”

  1. Mike Gallo Says:

    I’ve got an old leather pilot helmet and goggles (I still need a good scarf to wear also) for when I drive through Chicago. They have both camera speeding tickets and red light cameras. I’ve taken to giving them the bird*. I thought about getting an Obama mask, but figured I’d be beaten and killed by the local populace once I got down into that idiot-filled thugocracy.

    *I hope they can see it, because I’m doing it as hard as I can.

  2. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Nah, what you do is see if there is a city official that drives the same car you do and find out his license plate number. Scan your license plate and photoshop his license plate number onto it.

    Tape it over your real plate, don mask, run every red light you can find!

  3. W.Richards Says:

    I was thinking Goalie masks would become popular in traffic. Or perhaps rubber masks of the ex- presidents?

  4. _Jon Says:

    @Yu-Ain: They are doing that in The Place Where England Used to Be.

    I thought the mask they used in V (the movie) would be good.

  5. Jim Mullins Says:

    Yeah, he got away with it for a while. Then the cops staked out his house and videoed him putting on the mask. He is going to end up having to pay all the fines he racked up.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    Well, you know Jim that revenue enhancement is much more important that staking out a crack house. Good on our brave boys in blue. Just don’t run a red light or speed on your way to the crack house, where you will be safe from observation and arrest.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Oh, and Jim, they can only prove he wore the mask on the day they observed him. Not that they won’t try to claim it is evidence that it was always him. They can’t prove it, but I doubt that matters in our legal cash collecting system.

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