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Hollywood has been out of ideas for about ever. So, they reimagine, recreate, or steal ideas. Some are good. Some not. Battlestar Galactica was awesome. Now, the latest reimagining will be V. Looks decent and I have the DVR set to record it. I’ll miss Jane Badler, the total babe from the original series.

14 Responses to “V”

  1. Blake Says:

    Watched the original mini-series all day on Sunday on SyFy.

    Ah…the memories.

  2. Boyd Says:

    I’ll miss Jane Badler, the total babe from the original series.

    Yeah, but Morena Baccarin is a worthy replacement.

  3. Skullz Says:

    IMDB rumor has it that Ms.(Mrs?) Badler my make an appearance on the re-make.

  4. Rustmeister Says:

    I’m waiting for the remake of The Prisoner on AMC.

  5. ka Says:

    They aren’t out of ideas, they are out of guts. Tons of really good stories out there, some old and some new. But it is easier to rehash an old show than develop a new one.

    On the plus side, Hollywood has really been freeing up considerable parts of my time to do other things besides watch TV.

  6. Joe Allen Says:

    “Ms. Badler, I’m happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Morena Baccarin is the hottest woman of all time. Of All Time!”

  7. kahr40 Says:

    The two mini series were decent. The series sucked. Just couldn’t let well enough alone. The ads for the new series look good. We’ll see.

  8. Sean Braisted Says:

    We can’t see it live in Nashville because those asshats have an hour-long show with the Mustache.

  9. W.Richards Says:

    I saw the original series again this weekend. A few decades certainly faded my memory, I had forgotten what shot’s the Visitors soldiers were and cheesy the acting was in the whole series. Its hard to imagine a remake of it, I hope it will be and improvement over the original.

  10. W.Richards Says:

    Sorry lost in editing, but anyone notice the alien army couldn’t hit the broad-side of a barn if it fell down and hit them on the head?

  11. Blake Says:

    The Visitor’s soldier’s aims were slightly better than a Stormtroopers aim.

  12. Blake Says:


  13. D.W. Drang Says:

    I’m not optimistic about the quality of either the remake of The Prisoner OR V, but since the Cattlecar Galactica remake worked out, one of these might…

  14. Beaumont Says:

    Jane Badler was indeed a hottie, but Morena Baccarin…..hotter. Much.

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