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First Cali

People leaving NY over taxes. Businesses will be next.

6 Responses to “First Cali”

  1. Mike Gallo Says:

    Whatever. In WI we’re losing jobs to IL for Christ’s sake.

  2. ka Says:

    The problem is they won’t leave their failed polices behind. Look at what the CA refugees are doing to Colorado now.

  3. Bobby Says:

    I’m leaving NY asap, and don’t call them my failed policys, since I was 18 I havent had anything locally that I voted for win (that was contested in any way).

    This state is a hole.

  4. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “No problem. We’ve put a stop to this sort of thing before. We just have to build a wall to keep them in. It’s the Marxist way. All your taxes are belong to us! Because we won’t let you go where they’re lower. Ha! Ha!”

  5. Wanda Says:

    I had a conversation with a man who owned a luxury car dealership in California a few years back. He left because the taxes were too high. He moved to a low tax state but he still wasn’t happy. It seems the people in the low tax state didn’t buy as many luxury cars. Instead of selling two cars a day, he was selling two cars a month and his income was cut back dramatically. He wanted to come back to California but, by then, someone else had set up a dealership in his old location so he was stuck.

    There’s a lesson in this somewhere…

  6. Dan Says:

    Best career decision I have ever made, leaving NY.

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