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NIH to start studying gun safety. I don’t really care so much until they, like the CDC, start politicizing instead of researching. Like that time CDC said gun laws have no impact on anything but we still need more of them.

3 Responses to “Again?”

  1. Dave R. Says:

    The key word here is “until.” I mean, is there any doubt? Are National Institutes of Health bureaucrats likely to say guns are harmless, much less that, though dangerous to criminals, they actually reduce crime and save innocent lives? This seems like a time when a little dose of paranoia and conspiracy theorizing might have more predictive power and strategic value than shrugging and taking things at face value.

  2. Stranger Says:

    I know of too many anti-gun individuals who have been associated with the NIH to believe it possible for there to be no anti-gun proselytizing from any NIH “study.”


  3. deadcenter Says:

    An interesting study would be of USPSA events. Minimum round count is fairly easily gathered as is the number of injuries per event, per shooter, etc. This kind of study would probably work for any of the organized shooting sports, trap/skeet, NRA high power rifle, Action pistol, etc., because the organized shooting sports are about safety, by any metric chosen the injury rate will be exceedingly small. But, because that doesn’t fit anyone’s agenda, except for we the shooters, no one’s going to fund it.

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