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Pre-emptive strike

Today, we’re bombing the Moon. That’s as far as I’m willing to take it. The last thing we need is to get involved in a ground war there.

11 Responses to “Pre-emptive strike”

  1. Chas Says:

    It’s not really a bombing; it’s more like hitting it to see what it’s made of. Pre-humans did the same thing millions of years ago with a stick. Reminds me of the opening sequence in “2001” where the bone tossed into the air becomes a space ship. Millions of years down the road and we’re still hitting things to see what they’re made of. It’s funny.

  2. Pete Says:

    I’ll volunteer for the 101st Moon Paratroopers!

    Hopefully we’ll be issued laser blasters.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    The moon is the only place a 50-yr. old geezer could volunteer, and still handle all the gear a trooper has to carry. 🙂

  4. Jake Says:

    Now we know we can hit the Loonies before they drop rocks on our heads.

  5. kbiel Says:

    Pansies! A President Frank J. would have used nukes.

  6. Extreme Tolerance Says:

    Just when you thought Iraq was expensive…

  7. Rob K Says:

    I think we need troops on the ground there. Boots on the ground are the only way to hold it! We can win their hearts and minds and bring democracy to them! We can, really!

  8. Tom Says:

    the conspiracy theory is that we’re removing our secret base there….

    Al-queda means “the base” so it’s obvious that the war on terror continues.

    The only other option is we’ve run out of gubmint cheese and needed to tap the last of our resources.

  9. Chas S. Clifton Says:

    How ironic that on the day when President Obama learns that he will receive the Nobel Peace Prize we bomb the peace-loving Lunarians. History will note this!

  10. Eric Says:

    Only slightly less well known is this: Never go in against a Terrestrial when DEATH is on the line!


  11. SteveA Says:

    Oh man, resupply is going to be a bitch;(

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