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Owning a semi-automatic weapon in Kenya

A hanging offense.

4 Responses to “Owning a semi-automatic weapon in Kenya”

  1. Wanda Says:

    Interesting law. If we had that law here in the USA, there would be a lot fewer weapon offenses. Let’s just give the death penalty to anyone who gets caught with an illegal fully automatic weapon.

  2. Chas Says:

    Hanging people in Kenya to reduce gun violence. I suppose that makes sense from the perspective of the people in our dear leader’s homeland. You know, Chicago.

  3. bwm Says:

    Yeah, better hang em or they could kill someone…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Let’s just give the death penalty to anyone who gets caught with an illegal fully automatic weapon.

    In the US, they reserve the death penalty for particularly hideous crimes. Not for failure to pay a tax, which is what machine gun violations are at the federal level.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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