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Justin has had one. I would not have thought chilly fingers would be a factor.

6 Responses to “ND”

  1. Wolfwood Says:

    Well, of all the possible NDs, this was probably the least-bad kind to have. Way better than the guy on THR who shot himself in the leg with the .45acp.

    And for all those who’ve had a ND, there are plenty more of us who have come a hair’s breadth away from it.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    That’s why I don’t put my finger into the trigger guard until I’m swinging with the bird. Hasn’t hurt my sporting clay score…but then again my scores always suck.

    I’ve had two NDs on the firing line putting rounds into the berm by dropping the hammer on an “Empty” chamber. Scary, but honestly no big deal in the long run.

  3. Jake Says:

    As I said there:

    Honestly, this is a situation where I think a distinction between “negligent” and “accidental” is justified. The weapon was (I assume) pointed safely downrange, and you were “set” to fire on a rapidly moving target within the next few seconds. All precautions were taken, and all rules were followed, including keeping your finger off the trigger until you were prepared to fire. You were ready, you just fired a little early. Accident, not negligence.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    I don’t know about you guys but my fingers get chilly and I lose sensation in them. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw a bull elephant by the uh,,orbs.

  5. RAH Says:

    Happen to me one year in the winter. I was shooting skeet with gloves as I brought up the gun to fire it went off early. Cold weather does lead to this as it easy to misgauge the pressure.

    This is not negligence or even accidental just premature firing. Embarrasing that is all.

  6. RAH Says:

    This is why we follow the rules. The gun is pointed downrange. No harm, no foul. Just embarrasing.

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