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Desperate for stories

HOV lanes: Racist!

Half of mobile homes in the south. Which would put the other half in the north?

5 Responses to “Desperate for stories”

  1. Texas Jack Says:

    His information’s out of date. The 10-wide and 12-wide mobiles are from the fifties and sixties. By the seventies, most new singles were 14′ wide (I live in a 14 X 68, 3 bedroom 2 bath). Currently, the top-of-the-line homes are 16′ wide, and a nice double-wide can get close to 2,000 square feet. Put one on your own land and it beats an appartment all to hell.

  2. Lornkanaga Says:

    Texas Jack–I’ve seen manufactured homes as large as 3300 sqft, although most “double-wides” are 1600-1900 and top out at 2400 sqft.

    Calling them mobile homes is a bit out of date, too; manufactured is the new mobile (g). Also, some companies are making their homes as energy efficient as many modular homes, and the higher-end companies are even trying to compete with regular wood-frame construction.

    Who’da thunk some of the research I’ve been doing on retirement properties would be applicable in a gun blog comment?

  3. Reputo Says:

    What was funny about the article is that it isn’t news. The drivers mentioned (rural poor, lots of land, mild weather) eliminates the northeast entirely and much of the midwest. Looking at the way the census calculates things, there are 41 million housing units in the south, and 20-25 million in each of the other regions. So by eliminating one region completely and half of another region, you are left with 41 million households in the south compared with 35-40 million households elsewhere (that have similar drivers). So what is the news part of this story? Or is this a case of someone living in their cocoon and being amazed that others don’t live like them?

  4. Alcibiades Says:

    In California, one elementary school I know of used trailers as additional classrooms. It was apparently cheaper/easier than performing new construction.

  5. Diomed Says:

    Heck, we’ve been using trailers for classrooms in VA for decades!

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