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Blame racists, tea partiers, Glenn Beck, bloggers, and other political enemies in 3 . . . 2 . . .

A census worker has been found dead from hanging with the word fed written on his chest. The blame is coming soon.

Via BB.

11 Responses to “Blame racists, tea partiers, Glenn Beck, bloggers, and other political enemies in 3 . . . 2 . . .”

  1. Bobby Says:

    It cant be one of the various big-gov’t protestors, they don’t exist!

    It’s all astroturf, remember?

  2. J Richardson Says:

    In all probability, he stumbled across a meth lab or two in Clay County and was killed to shut him up. A meth head probably didn’t the difference between the Census Bureau and ATF. Both are “fed’s”.

  3. Nate Says:

    A lot of folks use “Fed” as a slang word. Not just “Tenthers” or “Tea-Baggers” or however the MSM is lumping us together this week.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, J., that was my first thought.

  5. Standard Mischief Says:

    There was nothing on the CBS radio feed this morning. I only have to assume that they don’t yet have the prescriptions from the spin doctors

    I see there’s a WaPo article out already that states: “We cannot tolerate essentially domestic terrorism, if that is what this is. But until we understand the law enforcement investigation, we don’t know.”

  6. JKB Says:

    Working in rural areas requires serious vigilance for anyone but especially when you are with the government. I did some work along the coast of Northern California, where the ruggedness forced the highway inland. Even though we had agreements for land access, even though we’d been there off and on for a weeks, I still approached every trip with a concern. You never knew when a wrong turn might stumble you on to someone’s patch or just someone with poor social skills.

    Sadly, to many government workers take an attitude that the peons must comply or else, which leads to confrontation. I found a good PR explanation for what your doing worked well along with an awareness of when to withdraw. That method worked well in Alaska where bears would take issue with the government intrusion into their domain. Well not the PR but getting back in the boat always a good plan.

    A census worker with intrusive questions and insisting they had to be answered or the government would take action would really send some meth head into paranoia mode.

  7. swisshegemonist Says:

    The bright shining light of the FBI will be shone upon Clay County and adjacent ones for many, many years to come as a result of this action.

    Is this “America’s Panshir Valley”? Maybe VISTA Human Terrain Project staffers with “‘billy ‘terp’/montagnard” sepoys, should accompany census workers into what appears to have devolved into a “semi-autonomous region” within the confines of the American continent.

    This is just carry over from a battle that has raged across the centuries, Scotland/England; Saxon/Norman; Celt/Roman…

  8. Turk Turon Says:

    Nancy Pelosi will blame this on the Tea Party protesters with something like, “The protesters created a climate where this sort of thing could happen.” or some equally ridiculous non-accusal accusal.

    I agree the poor victim probably stumbled upon a meth lab or other illegal operation, and the hoods didn’t know the difference between the FBI and the Census Bureau.

  9. Justthisguy Says:

    Hannibal Lecter said it best: “A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone.”

  10. D.W. Drang Says:

    Actually, US Citizen reported yesterday that good ol’ Little Green Footballs was saying exactly that:

  11. D.W. Drang Says:

    And now Yahoo News runs an AP article saying that the area “is troubled” with “marijuana growing and meth cooking.”

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