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Not really accessed a PC in a few days. The old feed reader had 1,100 unread entries. I hit mark all as read. So, if I missed anything important, let me know.

10 Responses to “Wowza”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Some big march in Washington or something. The Media says they’re all racists ; ]

    These really got my Blood Pressure up too.

  2. alan Says:

    You didn’t miss anything. (According to the MSM anyway.)

  3. Phelps Says:

    I do that every time I come back from vacation or a trial. Never missed anything that I missed.

  4. JKB Says:

    Well, it is disjointed but he NY Times has an editorial praising TN for banning guns in parks.

  5. DAD Says:

    Obama gave a important speech,but you can catch the next one in the next hour. They are hourly,Right?

  6. Lornkanaga Says:

    There’s some fun stuff going on at ACORN. Apparently underage prostitution is a good thing as far as Baltimore, DC, and NYC ACORN offices are concerned.

  7. Jay G. Says:

    I had one of the cutest pictures ever sent to me by a reader (see last picture)…

  8. dave Says:

    Senate votes to cut off federal funding of ACORN:

    Found the link via Insty.

  9. mikeb302000 Says:

    Well, I guess you missed this then.

    Not one single person admitted to being a racist.

  10. Linoge Says:

    That could have something to do with the fact that the burden of proof is on you, MikeyB, to substantiate your baseless claims… but, then again, I would never expect some spineless, self-aggrandizing troll like you to understand that distinction, especially given how many other logical fallacies permeate each and every single thing you write.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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