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One world, one currency

Looks the folk at the UN want to replace the dollar with something else, since our money’s value is on the decline and no one really wants to buy it anymore.

3 Responses to “One world, one currency”

  1. Vote For David Says:

    They would have a better chance at it if everyone else’s currency weren’t also down, and somebody were buying something else instead. But they are down and nobody is buying as much because (drumroll, please) . . .

    the world is in an economic depression.

  2. Mikee Says:

    The US is about to perform the greatest scam in the history of finance. Those trillions in US debt held by foreign countries – are about to drop in value. Probably by a lot. Heh.

  3. Joe Says:

    ‘Course I don’t see a line of UN nations giving all that welfare $$$$ we gave them to put into their various Swiss bank accounts back to us either!! Don’t expect it anytime soon either!!

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