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Government for everything

Katherine Mangu-Ward: GMail Goes Down for an Hour and a Half: There Oughta Be a Law!

Seriously, some tech guy at business week suggested the outage be investigated. Wow.

4 Responses to “Government for everything”

  1. karrde Says:

    It is weird that Google (who is just another web company) has so entwined itself into the Internet experience that when their Mail site goes down, people panic.

  2. TexasFred Says:

    Maybe they should investigate the price Google charges too…

    It’s FREE, and you get what you PAY for… Most of the time..

  3. guy Says:

    Too Big to Fail.

  4. FatWhiteMan Says:

    Years ago I worked at a newspaper that was a total market coverage paper. Which means it was delivered free. If your carriers missed a route the calls would sure come in. “We deserve that paper”, “I’m calling the gubmint on you”, etc. etc.

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