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Tasers too dangerous

Just ask the police:

Baltimore County Police Chief Jim Johnson Tuesday urged the county council to pass a bill prohibiting a private individual from using an electronic control device for personal protection.

Johnson said the devices, best known under the brand name TASER, are too dangerous for individuals to use.

Johnson said that the bill would expand the ban on individuals using stun guns.

Johnson said the need for this bill is urgent, because next month, a new state law would allow anyone over 18, to possess one of these devices.

8 Responses to “Tasers too dangerous”

  1. Cargosquid Says:

    They are dangerous. Better to let them have a nice firearm instead…..

    Cops kill many every year with tasers, don’tcha know. It says so right in the papers.

  2. ATL Says:

    This post should be retitled: “How does government and its law enforcement arm view ordinary citizens.”

    Well it’s Maryland, what do you expect. The only real shame is that we end up having pick up the slack that their gutless citizens are incapable of lifting.

  3. B Woodman Says:

    What next? Already “they” want to rid us of our more potent weapon, guns and other assorted firearms.
    So, again, what next? Follow the not-so-Great Britian route? Ban knives, swords and pizza cutters?

    After all, our Fearless Leaders are “the Only Ones” who know best. . . .

  4. Veeshir Says:

    I look forward to when they blame Virginia for illicit tasers.

  5. Vote For David Says:

    How many tens of thousands of people were killed using cars last year, and the Only One wants to ban Tasers?


  6. straightarrow Says:

    Police Chief Jim Johnson is just like every other coward. He struts and strolls his shit when he has the a gang behind him, or when he is armed with deadly weapons against kindergarten girls, or any other time he has special considerations he would deny everyone else. I would bet and so would you, that this cowardly piece of shit never once talked about how dangerous tasers were when he thought just he and his fellow gang members could possess them.

    The very first thing the county council should do is fire this vaginally enhanced sonofabitch for moral turpitude, cowardice, and conspiracy to engage others in denial of civil rights. The second thing they should do is offer to pay for his hysterectomy.

  7. dustydog Says:

    Just FYI,
    This law would let regular citizens, who can’t carry guns, carry tasers.

    Maryland only issues carry permits for ‘reasonably apprehended danger’, which means may issue. So – government (cops, bailiffs, etc.), bail bondsmen, doctors (because they can prescribe narcotics), business owners who can prove they carry more than $10K in cash daily, plus anybody with political connections.

  8. Mike V. Says:

    What an idiot!

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