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Gun permits up

In Cali?

3 Responses to “Gun permits up”

  1. Wanda Says:

    Just to put this in perspective: San Bernardino County is the largest county in the contiguous USA with 20,000+ square miles. It’s larger than nine states.

    Most of the county is rural. The largest city in the county is the city of San Bernardino.

    It has a population a little over 2 million. It’s also one of the fastest growing counties in the USA having gained 17% since 2000. The city of San Bernardino has a high crime rate, compared to other cities in California.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    San Bernardino sucks in just about every way except one: it’s damned close to shall-issue.

  3. Wanda Says:

    I don’t even like guns but we had them when we lived in San Bernardino county. Seriously, on one stretch of freeway, it’s 98 miles between gas stations. If you like rural, you can live really rural in SBDO.

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