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Ex-Student with pipe bombs, sword, a chainsaw, and other video game cliches tackled by teacher before rampage. Clearly, we should ban pipe bombs. Oh, wait.

2 Responses to “Hero”

  1. ka Says:

    He took an unnecessary risk. He should have just been a good witness. I see on TV those CSI guys can make the dead speak.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    This is up the road from me. No guns and no Prozac-fueled accomplices = no Columbine, but the Narrative suffers so they keep repeating it like a brain damaged parrot.
    The school is in a fairly/very affluent area but the kid came from literally “the wrong side of the tracks.” He wasn’t bullied either, he was very smart and found school so horribly boring and low-grade he cut classes all the time.
    The teacher who tackled him in a bear-hug was on TV and said that he paused and had to think/worry whether it was the “right” (or legal) thing to do or not. He had to decide and said, “I’ll apologize to his Parents later if I have to.” This is what “education” in California has become – run by idiots, unions, and socialists.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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