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Showdown in K-Town

The guns in parks issue was said to be resolved since Knoxville had an old law on the books banning possession in parks. Steve Hall has proposed an ordinance repealing the ban and the meeting is scheduled for tonight. This could be an interesting meeting as Stacey Campfield reports that Mayor Bill Haslam plans on weighing in on the issue. Haslam is running for governor and made the mistake of joining Mayors Against Guns. He later realized his mistake and quit the group (Good for him). This could get interesting.

Meanwhile, in Oak Ridge:

A proposed petition drive to trigger a referendum on overturning a City Council resolution banning guns in city parks has run into problems before it could begin.

According to state law, the Tennessee Constitution and Oak Ridge’s City Charter, referendums on such resolutions can’t be held, City Attorney Ken Krushenski said Monday.

3 Responses to “Showdown in K-Town”

  1. b Says:

    If you live in District 6 or cannot reach your council member then call Haslam’s office. The recorder is making list of people in support of repealing the ban and will give it to the council members. I had to do this because my deadbeat councilman Bob Booker doesn’t answer his phone and has no email. So much for representing people!

  2. Alan Says:

    I emailed my council member Pelot and the three at-large members. Roddy replied that she will ask for a postponement as she wants a workshop on the matter. Pelot and Bailey thanked me for my comments, no indication of their position. No reply from Woodhull. Emailed Bailey and thanked him for his efforts.

  3. Alan Says:

    Make that emailed Hall and thanked him for his efforts and asked how I could help. He replied to contact council members and ask them to support the ordinance.

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