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A cause I can get behind

Go topless for women’s rights.

Boobie warning.


14 Responses to “A cause I can get behind”

  1. smijer Says:

    Thanks for keeping us abreast of the movement.

  2. top of the chain Says:

    As a lactose tolerant man, I find this tittilating.

  3. Kevin Baker Says:

    A cause I can get behind?

    The view is better from in FRONT!

  4. HardCorps Says:

    shucks they had an event in my town over the weekend and I was a boob and missed it.

  5. Robb Allen Says:

    I’ve mentioned this before. For all the hue and cry over abortion rights, I’ve never understood how ‘feminists’ have continued to allow laws that require them to cover their breasts.

    And as a parent of two daughters who were both breastfed, I can’t tell you how annoying it was to have to help ‘cover’ the wife at all times.

    I’d prefer a society that is desensitized to seeing a breast in public just as much as I’d like to see people desensitized to guns.

    That’s what we need, an open carry, topless parade. Guns & Guns!

  6. Michael Hawkins Says:

    You’re damn right Rob, that would be totally tits, but there’s more: with the tops gone, pants can’t be too far behind!

  7. Mikee Says:

    I especially liked the warning at the bottom of the page, to protect those breasts with sunscreen! Practical, yet somehow, well, intriguing in a “Can I help?” sort of way.

  8. Mikee Says:

    What, you didn’t READ the text of that webpage???!!

  9. Huck Says:

    There’s text on that webpage?

  10. Dave Says:

    +1 Robb.
    Hey if I can be randomly subjected to portly men mowing their yard without a shirt on, I think it would only be fair to get to enjoy the occasional random appearance of a nice uncovered set of sweater puppies. 🙂

  11. Dave Says:

    from the website
    “GoTopless is also committed to helping men differentiate between nudity and sexuality.”

    Good luck with that. Heh. A good looking woman is always going to get a reaction from a man. We might cover it up, but it is still there.

  12. Tom Says:

    Sebastian said they shouldn’t do that, just like folks shouldn’t open carry.

  13. Lyle Says:

    There were quite a few boobies hanging out here in Moscow, Idaho several years ago, especially on the day before the anti-boob ordinance took effect. They posted a police patrol on one of the organized boob-marches. I don’t know if they drew straws, or if the senior officers automatically pulled booby duty that day, but one of our employees had to walk past the boobs to get to his car. The brave and noble police accosted him, saying, “We’re watching you!” in their all-to-typical snotty and altogether unnecessary tone. “Yeah, so?” What the hell were they going to do abnout it anyway– no laws were being broken. I think they just needed an excuse to hang out and look at the boobs, so they yelled at a few people in the process.

    See, you cops out there; you have to understand something. This sort of behavior is exactly why so many people think cops are a joke. It’s because cops so often are a joke– a very bad joke. If you’re walking around with a fucking chip on your shoulder, then you need an alternate occupation, ’cause you’re not cut out for copdome.

    This all came about due to some topless car washes, you know, for charity, that the local college girls were only too happy to offer. I thought it was a good idea. So much for charity.

    This is pretty much the same city councel that just banned smoking in bars, and they call themselves “liberals”. “Retarded fucking twits” is more fitting, but for some reason the retarded fucking twits don’t like being called retarded fucking twits. They prefer “liberals” or even “progressives” but we all know what it means.

  14. Steve Says:

    The problem as I’ve seen it (ahem) is that the ones you ‘want’ to see topless are not the ones that are willing to get topless.

    What’s that group that zombietime has photos of… oh it’s “Breasts not Bombs”. I would definitely take bombs over most of them…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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