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Silencing is not a crime

Check out Advanced Armament’s new ad campaign.

4 Responses to “Silencing is not a crime”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Well, it is a crime if you don’t jump through the right hoops and pay an inordinate amount of money to make it non-criminal.

    I still posit that if suppressors were in the same category as sights, grips, and holsters (i.e. you could purchase them with cash alone on the spot), the prices would come down to the point where you’d generally just go ahead and pick one up with each new firearm purchase.

  2. John Hardin Says:

    It is in Washington State {grumble…}

  3. Jon B. Says:

    It is in Minnesota, too. 🙁

  4. Tom Says:

    Washington state and Minnihaha had better ditch them from all common items such as motorcycles, cars, lawnmowers, weed whackers, etc.

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