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Good thing he didn’t have a gun

Radley Balko: Second Amendment-Loathing Mayor Attacked With Lead Pipe.

Hats off to the mayor for intervening. However, he would have been more effective with a weapon. This is the same town where the chief of police, with the support of the mayor, said:

My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, well put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it.

12 Responses to “Good thing he didn’t have a gun”

  1. Robert Says:

    Guy hates guns, tries to reduce firearms and then puts his teeth on the line, good for him. I hope he has plenty more teeth though….me? I’d just pull a glock and save the teeth for later.

  2. Kristopher Says:

    Hopefully the next attacker he deals with will have an axe instead of a pipe.

    I have zero sympathy for this assclown.

    He just demonstrated why little old ladies SHOULD be able to carry pistols.

  3. Spook45 Says:

    Im just hoping he got his ASS kicked. This article is proof positive that outlawings guns wont stop criminals. This guy used a Pipe, could have been a knife or ball bat etc… Not having a gun WONT deter Criminals, VICTIMS having guns, will curb criminals.

  4. Samsam Says:

    Lowes does not sell lead pipe.
    Ace Hardware does not sell lead pipe.
    Home Depot does not sell lead pipe.
    When I asked my local plumber, he just looked at me funny and walked away.


  5. Tom Says:


    It came from a state with lax pipe laws?

    I hope he installs it in his house as a momento of his brave service to the community he subjects to these kinds of things…and drinks heavily from it.

  6. Txgunner Says:

    You can see the guys youtube video here:

  7. Txgunner Says:


    I posted under the wrong article. 🙁

    My previous comment was meant for “Taking normalization too far?”

  8. nk Says:

    A man without a gun is still a man. And the mayor proved it, I think.

  9. Sebastian Says:

    I was gonna say, I thought we implemented lead pipe control years ago 🙂

  10. JKB Says:

    “The mayor stopped and said something (to the man) like, ‘Let’s all cool down here, I’m going to call 911,”‘ the mayor’s spokesman Patrick Curley said. “He said it one or two times according to him. When he took out his phone, that’s when the suspect attacked him.”

    Look, the mayor didn’t run away without helping but all he did was yell and try to call 911. The attempt to call 911 wasn’t effective and the incident turned bad for the mayor very quickly. A carry gun’s purpose is to handle situations where your reasonable action to stop a crime is met with aggression by the criminal. All the more important in this situation as the guy claimed to have a gun and not afraid to use it. The mayor got lucky in that the guy didn’t have or pull his gun,

  11. straightarrow Says:

    I respect the mayor’s courage, and ridicule his thought processes.

  12. straightarrow Says:

    I would buy him a beer.

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