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And what a run

Sebastian notes a gun control anniversary:

It’s been ten years, according to this Brady press release, since the Million Mom March popped onto the scene, spured by a mass shooting at a Jewish community center in 1999.

In that time, we went from seven states banning handgun carry to two. And from 30 shall issue states to 37 (source). The assault weapons ban was allowed to expire. And the Supreme Court ruled that the second amendment means what it says.

One Response to “And what a run”

  1. Matt Groom Says:

    The Anti-Civil Rights crowd has turned gun ownership from something that required an interest in hunting or a career in law enforcement into something that is mainstream and a topic of conversation of every single American citizen in a non-election year. What a bunch of dumb asses.

    All that talk about how bad Marijuana is for your health was the main thing that got me to TRY IT! It’s totally overrated, in case you don’t know. But the few times I partook as a teenager didn’t slow my mental facilities, ruin my short term memory, cause me to try other ‘hard’ drugs, or develop Lung Cancer, so fuck these people who try to tell us what to do and what to think no matter what the topic. Prohibitionists should be beaten with hickory sticks, or some other suitable hardwood.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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