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TN GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Talk Guns

Article at The Tennessean:

“People have asked me what we’d do if President Barack Obama issued an executive order to take firearms away from the people,” said Wamp. “I’ll tell you what we’d do. We will meet him at the state line!”

While I admire the sentiment, I really don’t think any sort of order is forthcoming.

3 Responses to “TN GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Talk Guns”

  1. Stormare Mackee Says:

    Wamp is a populist GOP politruk whose sole claim to fame is consistent hauling of pork from D.C. to his district. Nonetheless, I’d pay good money to see ol’ Zach pull a Tiananmen Square on Federal troops in the middle of I-75 🙂

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    Why would you meet them in the field when you can simply meet them at their front doors?

  3. Rabbit Says:

    What Matt said.


    ‘day’s comin’, just sayin’.


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