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They even found a way to tax taxes.

in N Carolina

5 Responses to “They even found a way to tax taxes.”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Doing that in Mass too! There’s a per-gallon tax for alcohol here, now we well add sales tax that includes the original tax.

    So you pay tax on the tax.

  2. Flighterdoc Says:

    California too – you pay sales tax on gasoline, including the cost of the various state and federal excise taxes that are on it.

    And needless to say in the Peoples Independent Democratic Crown Colony of Canuckistan there are taxes on taxes – and services.

  3. Dave Says:

    Hell. In. A. Handbasket. At this point, I’d like to fly to England, dig up George the third and apologize to him for ever thinking he was a tyrant. He is a piker in the tyranny game compared to the imbeciles we have in charge in this country.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    “That would be coupled with cuts in state spending, but Democratic leaders say the tax increases are needed to avoid more devastating cuts to education …….”

    Did I or did I not point out in the past that when they want something you don’t want to give, they first threaten your children? I did. I don’t think anyone believed me, though. Here you go, more proof.

    However, I must say that to many of us that isn’t a great fear inducer as a threat, the public education system being withheld could only be a benefit.

  5. pdb Says:

    Yo Dawg yo! We heard you voted Democrat, so we put taxes on your taxes, so we can rape your wallet while we rape your wallet!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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