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Not worthy

What could possibly go wrong:

Low-priority crimes like breaking and entering might not be prosecuted and the conviction rates will continue to decline if the proposed budget for the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is approved, Prosecutor Kym Worthy told commissioners this morning.

4 Responses to “Not worthy”

  1. _Jon Says:

    It’s a great city.
    For a third world country.

  2. karrde Says:

    I heard on WJR radio that Detroit is the per-capita leader in murder for the first 6 monts of 2009.

    Not good.

    The recent troubles of former Mayor of Detroit make it worse.

  3. Tom Says:

    Dereliction of duty much? Not like that’s one of the few ACTUAL reasons for the damn gov existing or anything.

    Vote them out!

  4. emdfl Says:

    I suggest that if that government employee won’t do its job with the budget it was given, then quit and let somebody who will do the job have it. ‘Course that would mean it’d have to get a real job and produce for its money.

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