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hit or miss

With all that’s going on these days, I should apparently concern myself with the fact that the most powerful man in the world throws like a girl.

15 Responses to “hit or miss”

  1. nk Says:

    Excuse me, no, he does not. We have a very fine Little League, here, and the girls throw just fine.

    nk who has a daughter in Little League

  2. nk Says:

    It’s not that his arm is made of spaghetti, it’s all that “windup” he did before. Doofus has no clue.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:


  4. Dave thA Says:

    It’s all that experience at Kaminsky Field…

    A real, authentic fan.

    Maybe he’s more of a catcher than a pitcher…

  5. Top of the Chain Says:

    Did you hear my friend booing? My buddy despises the White Sox almost as much as he loathes the Cubs.

  6. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    He’s a basketball player, not a baseball player. Those guys can’t throw for crap. Look at Michael Jordan’s ill fated effort to get a spot with the White Sox.

  7. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    And yes…all the paying attention to his gravity-sinker pitch is stupid.

  8. Manish Says:

    Did you hear my friend booing?

    oddly no..I guess he was drowned out by all the people who were cheering.

  9. straightarrow Says:

    I don’t give a shit if he can’t throw a baseball, however, now since he has embarrassed himself I await the government taking over MLB and outlawing people who can throw.

  10. TexasFred Says:

    I wonder how many billions we’ll pay out to buy the bum and ARM??

  11. Tirno Says:

    Now, now, we should congratulate him on being in the ballpark.

    First time so far in this administration.

  12. _Jon Says:

    Someone should do an ‘audioshop’ (like a photoshop on a picture, but with audio) on the clip and have the fans chanting ‘dole’.

    (Roman Empire reference.)

    @Tirno: zing!

  13. chris Says:

    GWB would hum a fastball strike when he through out opening pitches.

    Obama’s pitch was embarassing.

    It looked like he was throwing a wiffle ball.

  14. JKB Says:

    It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up. The fact they put so much effort into trying to ensure the camera didn’t catch the bad pitch says more than a politician who can’t throw.

    Oh, and after all the effort to game the video, no one thought to tell Obama that that half-jog never looks good and even worse when your carrying 60 or so pounds of extra weight on your upper body. Bush did that right, a dignified walk. It was okay, he’s the President, we’ll wait.

  15. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Wow, you guys really are pointing out how Bush handled throwing out a pitch better.

    Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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