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ATF and receivers

ATF issues guidelines on receiver sales. Interesting. I’ve bought a few AR lower receivers and the dealer usually marks them as rifles. I thought that odd and wondered the ramifications if I made one into a pistol. I think the new 4473 actually has a box for receiver now.

4 Responses to “ATF and receivers”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Yes it does, and in my experience, most stripped lowers are being sold that way now – so you have a choice of what to build it into. Remember that once it’s a rifle, it can’t be turned into a pistol (easily).

  2. M Gallo Says:

    Yeah – when I bought my lower, the shop had specially marked “pistol” lowers (which, incidentally, were $50 more) and everything else was sold as a “rifle.”

  3. Mike Says:

    I remember when I bought some last year the dealer asked me whether I wanted them to be pistols or rifles. But as I understand it the new 4473 reflects or clarifies what has always been the law.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    Maybe it’s just me, or maybe I didn’t take my gorram happy pills today, but I don’t give a rat’s ass what they think if I swap back and forth on my ‘AR of the Week’ on any of the lowers I’ve bought recently.

    They didn’t ask, and I wasn’t compelled to tell them.

    nyahhh nyahhh nyahhh.


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