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They said keep the change and he did

Seems that Barack Obama’s new president smell has kinda worn off and people aren’t so happy any more. Heck, the guy lost Greenwald and Rall among others. Jon Stewart is making fun of him. And left leaning bloggers have categories about the hopey changey.

4 Responses to “They said keep the change and he did”

  1. emdfl Says:

    No matter how many times the people who put this clown in office now say “My Bad”, he still owns them.

  2. Rabbit Says:

    Somehow, shouting ‘ollyollyoxenfree!’ and calling do-overs isn’t going to happen. Dammit. Somebody would expect their payola back if it did, and everybody knows that ain’t gonna happen.

    Even though I can’t find more that 2 folks around my office who admit to voting his way, and nobody likes what Obabmi has done, if the election were re-done today as a confirm or deny exercise the same folks would pull the same levers for the most part. Especially with all those dead ones voting.


  3. Manish Says:

    Jon Stewart is making fun of him

    umm…that’s Jon Stewart’s job. Anyone who expected the guy to be perfect was out of their mind to begin with.

  4. Carl H. Says:

    If he’s lost Ted Rall, what kind of lunatic asshat support can Dear Leader hope for?

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