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Tin Foil Beanie

Remember, two layers with the shiny side out.

Apparently, the planets are aligned and there’s sunspots. And today, after lunch, it will be 12:34:56 7/8/9. That, apparently, makes it ripe for the end of the world. At least, that’s what the internets tell me. So, panic.

12 Responses to “Tin Foil Beanie”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Well, if this doesn’t cause the end of the world, in a few months we will have 11-10-09 08:07:06, and shortly after that, if TEOTWAWKI fails again, we will experience 14:13:12 11-10-09.

    I will expend the appropriate amount of worry on these minor numerical danger points, while awaiting the apocalypse of December 21, 2012, as predicted by the Mayan calendars. Hey, there is even a motion picture coming out about it, to tell us what it will be like!

  2. PawPaw Says:

    Yeah, okay. I’m panicked.

    At some point today it’ll be 2:34:56 7/8/9. I’m all in a dither.

    We’re doomed, I tell you.

  3. BillH Says:

    Buy more ammo. Don’t mail order, there’s no time left.

  4. Robert Says:

    I won’t put the water bill in the mail until tomorrow then.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Geez, don’t you know; the tin (if you can find it anymore) or aluminum foil will protect you from the electrical component of the electro-magnetic mind control waves beamed into your brain by the HAARP transmitters, but it won’t protect you from the magnetic component. A true Faraday shield does both. I suggest a fine, silver plated iron mesh, with a wide, braided silver ground strap.

  6. Hartley Says:

    Noted… I don’t have time to panic today, however, so it will have to wait until Saturday.

  7. _Jon Says:

    hmmm. I’m still here…

  8. Linoge Says:

    *shrugs* The same numerical configuration will reoccur in about a month. Methinks we will survive that one, too.

  9. Tam Says:

    I’m ready. Everybody come to my place for an issue of SPAM and 7.62x54R.

  10. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    Some researchers at MIT, which is an OK school, I guess (I attended a fine university called CalTech! Go Beavers!) have investigated foil hats.

    It seems they don’t protect. In fact, they amplify!

    Be afraid! Tremendously AFRAID!!!!

  11. TexasFred Says:

    Since I’m still here, nothing bad happened.. 🙂

  12. Jennifer Says:

    Dang it! I missed TEOTWAWKI again!!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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