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They all agree on passing your money around


Sen. Corker has supported the President’s line 68% of the time […]

Sen. Alexander isn’t far behind, with a record of supporting the President 65% of the time.

3 Responses to “They all agree on passing your money around”

  1. chris Says:

    I’m not at all surprised.

    I am unimpressed with both of them.

    I will probably vote independent in the next Senate race in 2012 (Corker), unless Hank Williams, Jr. (that’s right, Bocephus) decides to run as a Republican (which he is considering).

    But, I am sure happy that we don’t have Harold Ford, Jr. as one of our Senators.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    So what does that information actually mean – where’s the context?

    For instance, I’d be interested to know the percentages for Democratic Senators during the Bush presidency. Without that context it isn’t clear what the numbers mean.

  3. Ron W Says:

    I’m glad I voted for independent conservatives instead of Alexander and Corker.

    Too bad Hilleary ran for the Senate in the Republican Primary dividing the most conservative voters, we could’ve probably had at least had one good conservative U.S. Senator, Ed Bryant.

    I also voted for CHANGE in the Presidential election, back to conservatism and back to the Constitution, but not enough joined in voting for Constitution Party candidate, Chuck Baldwin.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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