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Seriously, that’s a special kind of stupid!

One Response to “Rational”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    No surprise here. My sister is a PHD and teaches at a university, her husband has an MS, they are both very liberal and immune to factual information. Their idea of debate is to shout down anyone who can offer factual repudiation of their beliefs. If that doesn’t work, they declare their opponent stupid or evil and end the debate while claiming the high ground.

    Uh huh, they have done it to me, also, but by no means am I unique in that regard.

    I love my sister, but I am not enamored of her intellectual honesty. If one can lie to him/her self, everybody else is a freebie.

    Oddly, I am the better educated and I do not have a college education. The depth of their ignorance sometimes just stuns me. They are not stupid people. If fact, both are highly intelligent, but I think they have an allergy to reality. I have angered them and my mother, thank God, she is still with us, even at our advanced age, because I have stated on more than one occassion that I thank God I am not college educated because I would hate to give up the ability to think.

    Admittedly, that was just to piss them off. I do know that a great many people who graduated university know how to think, despite the system’s best efforts to disabuse them of that talent.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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