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I have my kitty. His name is Allowishus

Or Google named my cat.

So, I came home night before last and, despite my earlier concerns, that cat is still there. I say the Mrs.: Cat have a name yet?

She says it’s Abby.

I said: You Googled up cat names and that was first wasn’t it?

She said yes.

15 Responses to “I have my kitty. His name is Allowishus”

  1. Phenicks Says:

    Could be worse, my kids (ages 4&5) just named this crop of barn kittens:

    Jumpy, Harry, Milky, and….

    Molly Mahoney.

    Lord help you if you shorten it to Molly.

  2. ExurbanKevin Says:

    One of our cats is named Abby as well.

    Abigail Normal.

    (And yes, it is a Young Frankenstein reference) 🙂

  3. Rustmeister Says:

    Don’t matter what you name it, you’ll just be saying “cat!” anyway.

  4. Mikee Says:

    Aardvark wasn’t the first listed name? I’d check my wife’s report of Google results if I were you.

    And all cats have a secret name. Their given names are used in public, but not in the privacy of their inner cat thoughts. See Elliot’s Book of Practical Cats for more info.

  5. tgirsch Says:


    I think you mean Aloysius. 🙂


    That’s damn frightening. I have a cat with exactly the same name, for exactly the same reason.

  6. mike hollihan Says:

    I never just “give” a name to a cat. I like to live with ’em for a while and see what name suggests itself from their personality, coloration, actions, etc. Of course, my cats have had names like Bandit, Petey Wheatstraw, Gigantor, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Black Diamond, Wildman and Bennie…. 🙂

  7. nk Says:

    How do you feel about “rabbit” stew with onions and shallots, cumin, bay, garlic, and olive oil, in a rich red sauce?

  8. guy Says:

    We have Twinkie and Damnit.

    In the past we’ve had burr-burr(my dad found her freezing in the barn) and furr-burr(burr-burrs first fluffy kitten) and Top-Job( the mother gave birth to her litter while going down the basement stairs, and he was on the top step).

  9. ATLien Says:

    Only cat i tend to deal with is my mother’s. She wouldn’t name it for weeks. So a friend and I named him “Ocho Cinco”. Guess what was going on at that time?

  10. Rabbit Says:

    My house is currently infested with Taylor and Loki, otherwise known as ‘dammit’ and ‘bastard’, although ‘pissing-g-d-cat’ is interchangeably used.

  11. Mad Man Says:

    Sooooo…. We now have another “Al” in the family.

    Is he as stupid as Shawn’s?

  12. Robert Says:

    Some pretty good names here. One of my cats was named “Lightning Bolt” cause he was so fast. Current cats are named Chamois and Nuku-Nuku.

  13. Tam Says:

    My psychotic carpet panther lovable house kitty is named “Random Numbers”, from a cat in a Heinlein novel. You can call her “Rannie”. It’s actually short for “Goddamit Random Numbers You Little Shit!”.

  14. Dad Says:

    Just remember that “Dogs have masters” Cats have servants”

  15. B Smith Says:

    I named my cat ‘Vlad the Nightstalker’. He would run down the hall and under my bed, and you’d see this pair of amber eyes glowing out, like a Scooby-Doo cartoon.
    The coyotes got him a few years back, and I still miss him.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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