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Well, that was the goal

Evan Nappen on NJ’s gun rationing scheme: VIRTUALLY ENDS RETAIL HANDGUN SALES IN NJ

2 Responses to “Well, that was the goal”

  1. Cemetery's Gun Blob Says:

    Unbelievable right?

    There’s a number of apologists who already saying things like *It could be worse*, or *What’s the big deal? Just transfer in from outta State*.

    With fellow NJ gunnie’s like this, who needs Bryan Miller?

  2. Brad Says:

    Ah yes, the ‘ol bait and switch con works again. A law as badly written as the NJ one-gun-a-month law is, has to have been done on purpose. This an old trick of the anti-gun movement, whereby they try and sell some proposed legislation to the public by showcasing one seemingly reasonable effect, all in order to conceal the real target of the legislation.

    The real objective of the original “Brady Bill” of 1993 was to impose a national 5 day waiting period on handgun sales, but the Brady Bunch sold it to the public by claiming it was for background checks on purchasers. But since many people already lived in States with either waiting periods or background checks, the Brady Bunch even resorted to out right lies to push the legislation.

    Jerry Sanders, now mayor of San Diego, was the Chief of the San Diego Police Department back then. In one interview where he voiced support for the Brady Bill, he claimed the bill was needed to prevent California residents from evading the California background check and waiting period by buying a handgun out of state! (Neglecting to mention the Fed GCA 1968 already prohibited out of state handgun sales)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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