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Question for vegans and such

I saw where PETA was upset that the president killed a housefly. Got me to thinking about pests and such. I am curious what the official PETA/vegan/animal rights groups’ position is on, say, termite control for your house. Or spraying your lawn for bugs. Or wasps nests. Mice in the attic. Etc. Anyone?

25 Responses to “Question for vegans and such”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    The very existence of a PETA member causes death to other organisms. Breathing, walking, washing their hands, digesting – all of it takes life.

  2. Mikee Says:

    And that homeless guy sleeping on the grate by the subway entrance – what is his opinion on the federal deficit?

    You don’t ask the crazy ones their opinions on anything that matters. You will either get an opinion that makes zero sense (meat is murder!) or one you don’t like (let the termites live!) or both (I’m from PETA and you should not swat that fly!).

    I like to ask them to pray to Jesus with me, for guidance in our lives, right then and there, on our knees, when they approach me in public. They usually get uncomfortable and leave quickly. In a few rare cases, I have prayed with fervor and in a loud voice for their salvation from their many sins, which was also fun.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    THe same as Obama and smoking. They’re 100% against it, and do it all the time.

  4. Bitter Says:

    How about just going to the source? They sell a book with a chapter on how to humanely deal with insects and a humane bug catcher.

    Personally, I prefer the squashing and chemical methods that I’m sure are considered quite cruel.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, but neither of those seem to deal with termites or a nest.

  6. Mikee Says:

    In the interest of science, I went to teh PeTA site and searched for “pest” and “termite” but was unable to access the info that popped up – which appear to be forum questions similar to yours. As an aside, their website is about as idiosyncratic as their thought processes. It crashed half a dozen times while I was trying to search it.

  7. ben Says:

    Mice in the attic quickly turns into the daily dispatch in a sane household. Many methods, and the result is usually the same. We had ’em two years ago, the filthy buggers.

  8. anon Says:

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking anyone at peta actually car about animals: “”

  9. Gregory Morris Says:

    Bugs are people too!

  10. DirtCrashr Says:

    Termites are Food! At least to chimpanzees – so chimps in the wild must be stopped!

  11. JKB Says:

    PETA must really hate venus flytraps. Not only is it a plant which they love to eat but it is an evil carnivore insectivore.

  12. memomachine Says:


    Doesn’t PETA euthanize thousands of shelter animals every year?

  13. Mike Says:

    To assume that all vegans are affiliated with PETA is like assuming that all gun owners are affiliated with the NRA, both very bad assumptions. I’d venture to say that a majority of vegans (the ones I know for sure) think PETA are a bunch of fruit loops.

    Instead of asking what vegans (and such) think of it, why not ask what PETA members think of it, since they’re the folks who (predictably) made a big deal out of that fly.

  14. Crucis Says:

    Did you see where PETA get Che Guevara’s daughter to do a nude ad? Not surprised, given PETA’s politics.

  15. Molon Labe Says:


    Pass the tartar sauce and Old Bay.

  16. Spook45 Says:

    ?? I thought PETA stood fpr People Eating Tasty Animals??

  17. Donna Locke Says:

    I’m a vegetarian and something of an animal protectionist, but I do have to get rid of nuisance animals on occasion, though I try very hard not to. Any critter that flies into the house when I open the door, I allow to live amongst us unless it is a wasp, bee, or housefly. Mayflies live among us till they die — their lifespan is only a couple of days.

    I cannot bring myself to swat a fly and will not allow my grandchildren to do so either, so I try to catch them in my hands and release them outside. I also do not kill spiders. I catch them and put them outside, though if I recognize them as nonlethal, I just let them live in the house and tell people that spiders are our friends. They catch a lot of bugs that I don’t have to deal with consciencewise.

  18. DirtCrashr Says:

    After living in South Asia and seeing flies swarm the dead corpses of animals lying in the filth of open sewers I also hesitate to swat a fly – because that would require washing my hands thoroughly afterwords.
    I also hesitate to eat any food that has been exposed to fly-activity. Refuse is actually a better word and policy. And I’ve seen a spiderweb that was built by it’s owner to catch birds – a successful catch too.
    People need to get a little more exposure to how Nature really works before they adopt absolutist “moral” positions about the sanctity of life for vermin and bacteriological carriers.

  19. Lyle Says:

    You kill millions of innocent bacteria every day with your immune system, which murders automatically. You can’t walk on the lawn without killing thousands of insects and who knows how many worms. You can’t drive your car without killing insects, birds, a dog or a cat once in a while, and the occasional deer, to say nothing of the people who are killed in traffic accidents.

    Those spiders you save are killing poor defenseless insects all the time, and those murdering birds– they live on the killing of insects and worms, and some of them eat other birds or they catch and torture mice before they eat them. Ever see a pack of wolves tear into an elk?

    The enviroloons got DDT banned, you know, to save the helpless animals, and who knows how many people have since died from malaria ion the third world as a result but the number is huge. Heroes they are not. Nor are the vegans.

    I say there are some mental problems there, but so long as they stay out of politics (or the politicians ignore them) they’re harmless and we can laugh at them. It’s when they get hold of political power that we’re all in danger.

  20. ErnestThing Says:

    A better question might be how the PETA buildings where employees work would deal with a mouse infestation given such an infestation must be dealt with by law.

  21. Donna Locke Says:

    Yes, we live in a predatory nightmare.

  22. Donna Locke Says:

    I can see why the blogger carries.

  23. Ted Says:

    Gosh. “You kill millions of innocent bacteria every day…” Blah blah blah.

    Why not try asking something *original*? And perhaps it might even stimulate some meaningful discussion!

  24. Robb Allen Says:

    Why not try asking something *original*? And perhaps it might even stimulate some meaningful discussion!

    How about an original retort then?

    Just for that, I’m going to go FIND a bug to squash.

    I am the top of the food chain. I will kill any animal I wish to eat. I will eradicate any animal / insect that is even but a nuisance to me. A bear in the woods would have no second thoughts of having me for dinner. Animals eat each other alive. Insects will many times inject their larva to eat other insects inside out.

    People who have moral objections to killing insects or animals are, in my book, sailing in a leaky dinghy.

    You are more than welcome to live your fantasy life style where all nature sings harmoniously. I would never consider forcing my morals upon you. You may preach as loud as you want how we should never swat the disease carrying tsetse fly and I’ll just sit here with my steak and beer (you know, the liquid we imbibe that we enslave yeast to produce for us?) and laugh at you.

    My daughters love to drive by cattle, but instead of the common “Mooooooo” most kids do, my young ones comment on how much they like hamburgers and steaks.

  25. straightarrow Says:

    Donna Locke, could you be any more idiotic? You let spiders stay in your home? Are you nucking futs?

    A non-poisonous spider bite can still kill you graveyard dead or cause amputation of limbs, and other body parts. There is very little more filthy and infectious than a spider bite, of any kind. A very minor manifestation of spider bite can mean years of boils all over your body, even if one avoids an over-all body staph infection.


    As for houseflies you obviously are too young to have lived through the times when polio ran rampant. Learn something.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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