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Fed to regulate tobacco

The NYT: Occasional Smoker, 47, Signs Tobacco Bill

Article then turns to Obama’s smoking more so than the merits of the bill. In silent protest, I bummed a cigarette. Not enjoyable.

6 Responses to “Fed to regulate tobacco”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Smoked a pack of cloves over the weekend (my old brand) They’re made in Indonesia….where Obama was a Teen. I wonder if cloves (which he banned) are the brand he smokes.

    Clinton Smoked banned Cubans, I don’t see why Obama would think the rules apply to him either. Certainly the US Tax code doesn’t apply to his cabinet.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    Unc, don’t do it. SRSLY.

  3. harleycowboy Says:

    Uncle, stick with cigars. Don’t inhale and open a window.

  4. ATLien Says:

    yeah, cause those other bills stopped the smoking of other stuff really well.


  5. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Cigarettes are to cigars what Natural Lite is to a microbrewed barley wine or Russian Imperial Stout.

    In other words…crap.

  6. ATL Says:

    Bum a cigarette? Fuck that, bum a cigar! Preferably something Don Pepin.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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