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No gay marriage but

Obama abandoned they gays, after he got their money and votes. Their growing discontent lead to him extending benefits to same sex couples that are federal employees.

9 Responses to “No gay marriage but”

  1. Harold Says:

    Nah, Team Obama “only decided it was a problem when the gay ATM started to shut down.” (Several prominent figures have punted on a Biden fundraiser, and I’ve seen talk of a boycott.)

    That article (HT Instapundit) continues with this complaint that in form sounds rather familiar:

    “This is part of a bigger problem with progressive causes and the professional Democrats in DC. During campaigns, they want our money, our support, our blog posts, but once they win, we’re not needed. Even worse, they view us as a problem.”

    Hmmm, only now that they’re out of power do the Congressional Republicans seem to care very much about us….

  2. Sarah Says:

    I am wholly opposed to redefining marriage to be something it isn’t, but I have no problem with extending benefits to same-sex couples. Seriously, just do the civil union thing, extend the benefits, etc., and nobody worth knowing is gonna gripe. Problem solved.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    They’re really pissed in San Francisco and one prominent gay fundraiser/donor said on TV that he’s seriously not going to support any Democrats until they get something back.
    And the benefits Obie “gave” were piddling details. Foreign language instruction (?), relocation allowances, sick-leave, long-term care benefits – hell they already do ALL that civil-union type stuff at Stanford.

  4. Bitter Says:

    Actually, he didn’t extend the biggest benefits to them. General healthcare and retirement-related benefits are still off the table. The only really useful one he gave is the ability to take a sick day to care for a partner or non-biological child. If I were a lesbian federal worker, I would be pissed with him trying to grab headlines by reaching out but actually doing jack shit on the matter.

  5. Rabbit Says:

    About the only benefit I saw he included to them was an invitation to the Winter Holiday Party and agency picnics. There’s nothing of substance in his action, only a feel-good press release.


  6. JKB Says:

    Obama couldn’t extend healthcare the law specifically uses and defines the term “spouse.” But to be accurate, what Obama ordered was for the departments and agencies to investigate over the next 90 days what benefits they could within the law extend to same-sex couples. Already the question is how you define a “partner” and how you can extend them to same-sex partners and no extend them to opposite-sex partners who meet the same co-habitation or whatever standards. The government loves its discrimination suits.

    It is really just a redefining of “friends with benefits”

    Now down the road, I expect some lawsuits (divorce) for co-habitation couples breaking up since now there are valuable relationship assets to divvy up with valid claims on retirement, healthcare, etc. of one of the partners. Eventually, the courts will recognize a claim even in the absence of a marriage or civil union.

  7. Manish Says:

    Rachel Maddow said something to the effect of The seats in 2nd class just got slightly comfier.

  8. Michael Says:

    “I am wholly opposed to redefining marriage to be something it isn’t, but I have no problem with extending benefits to same-sex couples. Seriously, just do the civil union thing, extend the benefits, etc., and nobody worth knowing is gonna gripe. Problem solved.”

    Right. It may be separate, but dammit, it’s equal. As long as their water fountains and seats at the back of the bus are as good as the ones in the straight section, only the _uppity_ homos will complain.

  9. Sam Says:

    Give them rights today and they will come asking for privileges tomorrow.

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