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Creating a monster


2 Responses to “Creating a monster”

  1. bwm Says:

    This sort of reminds me of being 16 years old and bored at night in Memphis. Some friends and I decided one night that it would be funny to block off the Poplar Avenue @ Germantown Parkway intersection with orange construction cones.

    We gathered cones from a nearby site and transported them and began our “work” at about 3 in the morning. Of course we got caught. We all got cuffed/threatened/placed in the back of the squad car, but ultimately let go and told to stop being idiots. So why was this guy arrested again?

  2. HerrBGone Says:

    Looks more like he “rearranged” some stuff at a construction site than actually having “stolen” it. So where’s the crime? Though I suppose if he “borrowed” it and got caught whilst in the act of “returning” it they might have more of an issue. Then again, the exact nature of any “modifications” to the stuff in question might have some bearing on the case against him…

    In any event, his creation looks great!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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