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Number of incidents up in parks.

3 Responses to “Bears”

  1. Gregory Markle Says:

    Hmmm…we’ve actually had a pretty big spike in unusual bear activity here in north-central Pennsylvania also. They recently had to shoot a bear which wandered DEEP into the town I live in (Bloomsburg, PA) and while it’s not a huge city and there’s plenty of woods and bruins in the area…there have also been similar issues around the region over the past month or so. While it is mating season for them, I’ve lived in this area for 40 years and I don’t recall seeing this level of intrusiveness and aggressive behavior. My only guess right now is that the harvest in our area last season was pretty low so it could be a population issue.

  2. Overload in CO Says:

    I fully support the right to keep and arm bears

  3. Gregory Markle Says:

    Whaddya know…it looks like the bear population has exploded, the estimate is that it has doubled between 1989 and 2006.

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