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You can have my Rocky Patel Vintage 1990s when you pry them from my cold dead hands

Feds to regulate tobacco. Plenty of reasons why this is dumb but the most striking is that when regulation is supported by players in the industry (in this case, Phillip Morris), you have to wonder exactly what’s going on.

Bob Corker disappoints and supports the bill.

3 Responses to “You can have my Rocky Patel Vintage 1990s when you pry them from my cold dead hands”

  1. Aunt B. Says:

    That is weird. Do you think there’s some movement afoot to have… I don’t know… micro-tobacco? Like micro-beer? You have to figure that, if the big guys want this kind of regulation, they want to regulate someone else out of competition, don’t you?

  2. comatus Says:

    Nat Sherman’s (“Tobacconist to The World”) is micro-tobacco if ever I’ve seen it. And they can no longer sell through mail-order to 19 states. So there’s that.

  3. Dan Says:

    You know, I always wonder if restrictions on tobacco use will show up when its time to legislate on the wacky variety.

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