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Wear a hat

When shooting, we usually remember eye and ear protection. But let’s not forget to protect our heads too.

3 Responses to “Wear a hat”

  1. comatus Says:

    I think I comprehend the physics of this, but not the geometry. I’ve been hit by empties many times, but in the “case” of Models 1911, it’s always been from the lane to the left. Has something changed in the 1911? No doubt another inch or two of barrel would settle this nasty little thing right down.

    Fifty-foot indoor ranges will splash a little lead back to the line on occasion. By the same scientific principle that causes Boy Scouts to miss the paper all day yet part the wire that holds it, if there’s an exposed angled edge down there, it will split a bullet about once per session. A smallbore rifle round yields an insignificant facial tic; larger pistol loads sort of part your hair; a .460 Ruger can make the dignified lady (wife of a founder of the club) seated ten feet behind the shooter, retrieve her lace-trimmed hankie and dab delicately at the stately drop of A-negative perched on the tip of her nose. And how does comatus know this?

  2. Adam Says:

    I’ve been dinged by a few .50AE cases from the Desert Eagle, but nothing to this magnitude.

  3. Alchemyst Says:

    Revolver shooters don’t have that problem. Wasn’t it the late, great Cooper who remarked about double action semi’s, “Fine solution to non existent problem.” I’ve just carried his truth even further back. BIG GRIN HERE!

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