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Only if there is also instruction on proper grip

Randy Cohen says we should give women guns to test whether or not the old axiom more guns, less crime is true. Not a plan I endorse. I don’t want to give women guns while forbidding men from carrying them. That’s stupid and sexist. Also, exactly who is going to give them? You footing the bill, Randy? Now, I do favor giving both men and women the choice of armed self-defense. It’s not for everyone and some folks simply don’t want to carry. And I’m not one to force them. I’m pro-choice.

4 Responses to “Only if there is also instruction on proper grip”

  1. Bitter Says:

    I’m pro-choice.

    That’s so refreshing to read. I get so tired of some in our movement who try to guilt or just argue that everyone needs to be armed all the time. That somehow it is a horrible thing if you choose not to carry. I have found that women especially are far more receptive the message if you present it as a choice, one they may want to consider exploring. It’s a big decision, and trying to guilt or beat down people who don’t want to go down that path for a variety of personal reasons isn’t really a way to win people over.

  2. Mikee Says:

    My wife and daughter made a trip from Austin to Dallas a week ago. I offered the spouse a handgun in a holster to keep in the trunk tool box in case of an emergency roadside stop, for her protection. She declined, as she is not a shooter (has in fact never shot a handgun) and said, “I’ve had no training with one, and wouldn’t know what to do with it.”

    I replied that our 15 year old daughter was a darn good shot.

    She still said no. I did not push it any more.

    No problems on trip, thankfully.

  3. mariner Says:

    That bozo calls himself an “ethicist” but he favors giving firearms to women for their defense, but prohibiting men from defending themselves.

    Further, he considers firearms the cause of crime and a public safety problem, but he wants to give them to women. Obviously he isn’t a logician either.

  4. workinwifdakids Says:

    I believe the federal government ought to offer a voluntary course of training for free after a minimal background check, and that anyone who passes the training ought to get a basic AR15 for free.

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