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Guns in schools

Aunt B. is none too keen on allowing those with carry permits who work at schools to carry there. She doesn’t trust teachers but the school police officers she has no issue with. An issue to consider here is appropriate retention. After all, if a student managed to disarm a teacher, that would not be good. This is also why most prison employees are not armed and, frankly, most schools these days tend to operate like prisons. I could see armed personnel at a school as a good thing given that police tactics in the event of a mass shooting in the gun-free school zones is to contain and then secure the perimeter. That’s changing, as it should. Armed personnel at schools have minimized the carnage a couple of times that I know of.

And since B. always reminds me of the feminism issue, I see PGP is advocating arming staff at abortion clinics in light of Tiller’s killer saying to expect more attacks on abortion providers.

8 Responses to “Guns in schools”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Actually, schools are more like zoos than prisons. At a prison, the inmates at least get some vocational training, and are there because of past actions. Our schools are more like zoos, where the students are chosen at random and kept there just to display how well they are kept before they are returned to the wild.

    Personally, as a resident of Dallas, we were reminded of why people who work at the zoo should be armed.

  2. Bob S. Says:

    In north Texas, a school district decided since it was approximately 30 minutes away from any possible law enforcement response, it would allow teachers and staff to carry concealed on campus.

    The Harrold School district required an additional training class above and beyond the state required CHL class.

    So, have there been any problems with firearms in those schools?

    A quick search shows absolutely no reported problems with that district…..and the Brady Campaign and the left stream media (do I repeat myself there?) would make sure every little issue is blown way out of proportion and publicized.

  3. Mikee Says:

    There have been attacks every once in a while on abortion clinics and providers ever since Roe v. Wade in ’72. I have read in a Massad Ayoob columns (Guns & Ammo, IIRC) of one armed guard, with a Model 10 S&W, defending against an attacker armed with a folding-stock Ruger 10/22 and lotsa banana clips. The guard prevailed, although a receptionist was killed.

    This story made a big impression on me at the time. It was before Eric Rudolf started bombing clinics.

  4. _Jon Says:

    OK – set aside teachers because of the ‘overwhelm’ issue of inmates … err … animals … students. What about us EMPLOYEES?!

  5. Nylarthotep Says:

    Hell, if they’re recommending arming the staff at abortion clinics due to the Tiller issue, which didn’t happen in a clinic, maybe we should arm military recruiters as well. Drive by shootings killed a couple military personnel the other week, and we can be assured that at least the staff there know how to use a gun.

  6. workinwifdakids Says:

    As a public school teacher, I wouldn’t mind dying for my students, but at least give me a fighting chance against a crazed school shooter.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Well workin’ I would mind you dying for your students, but I wouldn’t mind you killing to protect them. Big difference there. Let the other sonofabitch die.

  8. Matt Groom Says:

    One of the things I always found odd about the argument to keep teachers and school staff disarmed while allowing the Safety Resource Officer to be armed is what if the Officer IS the shooter? Mental disorders do not discriminate based on profession, and law enforcement officers are under a great deal of stress. Who polices the Police?

    In such a nightmare scenario, do you think other police officers would be the best resource to take down the shooter? A guy they know, a friend, a partner, a family member? A guy who’s wife just left him, who’s son just committed suicide a few months ago? A guy who just got passed up for a much needed promotion, who was probably gonna lose the job he loves because he can no longer pass the physical? A guy with a slight drinking problem? A guy who they’ve covered for in the past because they understand his problems, they empathize with his pain.

    “He didn’t mean to shoot that kid. That kid was a punk! He was a little bastard! He had it coming! We can’t shoot our friend. He’s a guy they see in the mirror every morning.”

    This is the guy they have to shoot?

    Anyone who opposes concealed carry for licensed individuals because they just so happen to work at a school is just as responsible for the havoc and death created by a school shooter as the shooter himself.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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