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I won’t be waking up on the bright side

Michael Bane reports that La Quinta Inn will whack your internet connection if you read gun blogs.

4 Responses to “I won’t be waking up on the bright side”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    See, this is why I do what I do… whenever I’m “borrowing” an internet connection, I use remoting software to connect to my home PC and work from there. Most of the software packs will either do windows-style RDP (it passes video commands and redraws locally instead of passing an image, very fast) or an activeX control (much faster than java or any other protocols, almost real-time). The only thing I leave passing over the local connection are keystrokes… and if you’re concerned about that, put an on-screen keyboard up on the home PC and mouse-click in whatever you don’t want passed. Most remote software does AES256 encryption anyways.

    Want to look at my connection at a hotel? I’ve got one, directly to the remote site’s server, and it’s all unintelligible.

    Caveat: If the computer goes down at home, you gotta have someone there to get it back for you or you’re simply hosed. UPS it and your network stack (cable modem, router, firewall, whatever) and the only things to bring you down are system errors and extranet failures.

  2. drstrangegun Says:


    Your laptop or terminal, regardless of what it is, will be only working as hard as necessary to draw the pictures and keep the network connection rolling.

    I’ve rolled around the house before using a Compaq Armada M500, which has a lovely screen and keyboard but a 500Mhz Celeron Proc and 128Mb of ram, but wirelessly connected as a terminal to my desktop… .meaning as far as I and the usability were concerned, I was puttering around with an AMD X64 5000 with Vista Ultimate, 2Gb of ram, 750Gb of space, and a 1Gb local to a high-speed cable line.

    When you ain’t doin’ the work, anything goes 😀

    Video and audio will pass over a fast connection too. I’m looking forward with great glee to the introduction of the first super-cheap web tablets… which I will immediately turn into a remote terminal, local resources be damned; I’m a process outsourcer!

  3. D2k Says:

    err or you could just setup a VPN…

  4. DrStrangegun Says:

    Yeah, but then you’re locally processing again, and there are some technical limits to what can be done with VPN given alterations in frame sizes for TCP and UDP traffic.

    Much easier just to go to your favorite remote-me web site and click “connect”, and use the home computer in full-screen mode. Or, for that matter, I have a mac mini hooked to my TV, it’s on the sites too… if I feel like a little OS X that day, I just pick it instead.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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