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Chicks and Guns

NRA Blog: A Virginia community recently held its first Women on TargetŪ Instructional Shooting Clinic

And there’s the NRA’s Women’s Wilderness Escape.

2 Responses to “Chicks and Guns”

  1. Bitter Says:

    I think ranges are much better off doing women’s outreach without the NRA. I can’t tell you how many times that division screwed up the events for clubs in MA.

    Most clubs put their final foot down and started working with other groups when NRA banned teens – even those there with their mothers – from participating. As I recall, even a 15-year-old top junior smallbore competitor couldn’t even come out to one to participate once they implemented their 17+ only rule. Sure, she could shoot at Camp Perry and all through the season through her shooting club in NRA matches, but she couldn’t touch a gun at an official WOT event.

    While I’m pretty forgiving of understanding of the different divisions, this is the same one. There was zero excuse, and quite a few clubs agreed and started doing generically branded women’s outreach with just as much (many times more) success as anything they did with NRA.

  2. Oakley1227 Says:

    Wow. I must say if Bitter is pro-NRA, NRA needs to find new supporters.

    As a clinic director for 2 years now, I can tell you that her statements are false. Women On Target has been under new leadership for 5 years, and for that whole time it has been up to the particular club or range to determine age policy for participants.

    The overwhelming majority of gun clubs, ranges, and groups have nothing but positive feedback for the hardworking people in the NRA’s education and training division. If other feedback is to be given, I would think it would be brought directly to the appropriate people at NRA in Virginia. What good is the feedback if the right people don’t see it?

    People like Bitter forget they aren’t the only people on the face of the planet. Grow up, get a life, and give the NRA a break. The NRA does more “womens outreach” in one day than someone complaining on the internet will ever accomplish.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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