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Rule #4

Be sure of your target and what’s behind it:

From Gun Porn

This pic was taken at the John Sevier Hunter Education center on one of their handgun ranges. There’s a berm behind me on the rifle range. Trying to figure out how this happened since it doesn’t look it could have come from that range. Weird.

7 Responses to “Rule #4”

  1. Tam Says:

    Have you looked at the table on lane 10 at the Armory?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    That one have holes up top or down low?

  3. Avtomat Says:

    The old range I used years ago had several holes in the tin roof over the benches. Not sure how those happened

  4. Vote For David Says:

    At the indoor lanes at Red’s in Pflugerville, it looks like they decorated the shooting lanes with a shotgun. Walls, cieling, partitions between benches, and trays, inclusive. Pistol AND rifle ranges. From the benches to the backstops. I’m sure the floor would be full of holes if it weren’t concrete.

  5. Mikee Says:

    I shoot at that same Red’s in P’ville. The floor does indeed have many marks, if you look closely, despite being concrete. The wanton destruction of the clothes pins holding the targets (and the pulley wires) increased to the point that the owners had to start charging for the damages. Usually they’d give one warning, but the fee is still posted there as a caution against having too much fun.

    I’ve asked if they would consider reactive targets and they said they’ve never found any that would take the pounding without self destructing in short order.

    The most frequent poor gun handling I have seen there is the newbie pistol owner, shooting with a friend, spouse, or parent, who after careful instruction picks up the pistol, shoots one round downrange, then TURNS AROUND still pointing the handgun, to get approval from the rest of their cohort. Sweeping the line with your loaded, cocked, finger-on-trigger pistol is not the way to start one’s shooting experience.

    Now when I see an obvious new shooter I just stand back for a minute as they step up to shoot, to watch the fun.

    Having written all that negative stuff, Red’s in Pflugerville (and their other store in Dripping Springs) is still the very best place to shoot within 20 miles of Austin Texas.

  6. martywd Says:

    ChampionFirearms out in College Stations charges extra if you shoot (indoor) into the ceiling.   Champion’s indoor range is one of the nicest ranges around, as long as all you want to shoot is handgun.

  7. drstrangegun Says:

    There are plenty enough holes where holes oughtn’t be at the armory. Thankfully there was enough foresight to use a lead-motor pulley system (which I used to despise, but is growing on me) and cheap rope as a working line with a nice thick cable stringer for the all-steel carrier.

    People still damage it, but it’s not down as often as I figure some other systems would be, and a total working line replacement is ~$1 worth of rope.

    Now, when someone sneaks out a rifle and holes or shatters the top plates in the trap, that’s another story.

    And thankfully, the last hole in the carpet out on the sales floor is thick with dust… but we’ve got to stay vigilant.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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