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Forget the mini-bar, get the mini-gun

Somali Cruise Lines

4 Responses to “Forget the mini-bar, get the mini-gun”

  1. JoeMerchant24 Says:

    Did you see the ammo prices? 100 rounds of 5.56 for $25?




    And can I have a doggy bag?

  2. Rabbit Says:

    Too bad it’s a spoof. I sent the link to my wife, whose first question, and I quote, was “Can we have our own gun turret?”

    Hell, I’d be in just to see the skinnies jump overboard into the pod of sharks.


  3. Matt Groom Says:

    Called my travel agent, who informed me it was just a gag. Sigh. He said that I was the third person to inquire about it though…

  4. B Smith Says:

    Assuming you can nab weapons and ammunition from the pirates, do we get to keep that, too? 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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