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White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: your Right to Keep and Bear Arms is CANCELLED

7 Responses to “Lists”

  1. Rabbit Says:

    I imagine I can find a dead fish to send to him.


  2. RC Says:

    Funny how if you are an actual terrorist you get all kinds of rights; Miranda, quick and speedy trial, bail, lawyer if you don’t have one of your own one will be provided, yada, yada, yada, sis boom bah. These people make me sick.

  3. emdfl Says:

    A doctor friend of mine has pointed out several times the this guy exhibits something like 14 out 16 characteristics of a sociopath.

  4. HerrBGone Says:

    Just the sort of Change I was Hoping for. NOT!

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    Funny, the video has been REMOVED. I wonder by whom?

    Rahm Emanuele’s right to live is now null and void.

    Yeah, I said it. And it’s public record now, too. I’ve got two words for these Socialist thugs: “Try it.”

  6. Vote For David Says:

    The video is there still, I just watched it. If you can’t see it your server might have youtube blocked.

    Also, slow your roll on canceling the right to life for people who disagree with you. He is voicing an opinion, and we don’t shoot people for that in America.

    Elections have consequences, and this [deleted] being in a position to influence the POTUS is one of them. Next election, go beat the bushes for votes *against* this lot, and maybe America will survive till 2012.

  7. Matt Groom Says:

    Nonsense. You try to fundamentally change this country by violating the principals as spelled out in the founding documents, and your ass is grass, so sayeth the Groom. Try to ‘cancel’ my civil rights because of some whimsical concept as to what a threat is, and I’ll become a threat. I promise.

    You got an opinion? I’m glad to hear it. We disagree? That’s fine. I believe in Socratic debate and in voting for change. But if you’re in a position to silence me, to put me in prison, to kill me and to kill my family because your opinion has the odd little habit of becoming LAW before I have a chance to make my position heard in an election, then it’s a whole different ballgame fella.

    A politicians right to life ends when it threatens my life and the lives of my progeny. That’s the way we roll in America. Believe it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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