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PR done wrong

You may recall the little dust up over HS Precision. If not, here’s the short version. And here’s the long version.

Well, at the NRA Convention, stingray decided to go ask them about it and got this answer:

No comment. That never happened. He was never affiliated with us. No comment. Move along. We do not include product testimonials.

A river in Egypt.

4 Responses to “PR done wrong”

  1. Hyman Roth Says:

    Leave aside the whole murder/manslaughter issue.

    I just read Jess Walter’s Ruby Ridge. Dead-eye Lon shot at Randy Weaver under the shoot-on-sight ROE, and only wounded him.

    Then Lon shot at Kevin Harris, resulting in a wound instead of a kill.

    Later, he claims to have been firing at Kevin Harris when he shot Vicki Weaver in the head.

    That’s 0 for 3.

    From a shooting skills perspective, how does this performance justify an endorsement for a precision-marksmanship product?

  2. Huck Says:

    “No comment. That never happened. He was never affiliated with us. No comment. Move along. We do not include product testimonials.”

    Bullshit! When someone is quoted describing a manufacturer’s product on said manufacturer’s catalogue that’s a testimonial/endorsement.

    If HS Precision had fessed up to having made a poor choice for a endorser they may have regained some respect but this “that never happened” crap will lose them more customers. I sure as hell will never do business with them.

  3. Rabbit Says:

    It’s tough to flush bits down the memory hole after you’ve mailed out the catalogs.

    It’s like getting Jeffrey Dahmer to endorse your barbeque sauce, or John Wayne Gacy to endorse your balloon animals. You’d think someone would have had that moment of clarity somewhere.


  4. Robert Says:

    Next time, send Breda. She’ll get under their radar.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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