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Sovereignty Resolutions

ACK links up how people think these are predecessors to secession and blah blah. They’re not. They’re mostly symbolic. But that symbolism is overshadowed by the fact that the number one source of states’ revenue these days is the federal government. So, the states want to say they’re sovereign in legislation while getting their free federal money. They want to suck at the teat then yell at the sow.

5 Responses to “Sovereignty Resolutions”

  1. Tomcatshanger Says:

    What’s that? The states are getting their own citizens tax money back?

    And that’s supposed to be a reason NOT to leave???

    That’s like saying a prostitute can’t leave her pimp because he pays her.

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    If the states stop getting the money that they deserve, then they can simply pass a resolution that declares that businesses within that state do not have to take out payroll, social security, and income taxes, or insist that they first be paid directly to the state, and then make it the state’s duty to pay the federal government, but only after they take their cut. If it’s supported by the people, there’s nothing the Feds can do, short of invasion, and that never ends well.

  3. Sevesteen Says:

    “We’re going to take a bunch of your money. If you are obedient, we will give some of it back” isn’t the same as sucking on the teat.

  4. Andrew Says:

    I’d rather my money, except for expense for the defense of our Country, stay in my State.

    And if that means voting out the teat sucking Sen’s and Rep’s, well so be it.

    The gas tax is a perfect example. There is no reason any State should be a donor State. If you don’t have enough taken in within your State, spend more judiciously.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Since you’ve already been taken to the woodshed for some much needed clarification about whose damn money it is, I won’t say anything else.

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